
/Ashley Easterwood

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So far Ashley Easterwood has created 17 blog entries.

How to Improve Security at Your Manufactured Home Community


Improving the security at your manufactured home community will help keep your tenants and their property safe while fostering a sense of well-being. As an owner of a manufactured home community, it is important to be proactive with your security measures. Not only will this increase safety for your residents and their families, it can increase property values, attract new tenants, protect your business, deter criminal activity, and prevent a financially devastating liability claim. Tips for Increasing Security at Your Manufactured Home Community Neighborhood Watch Plans - Creating a group of residents to help watch and protect the community will foster [...]

How to Improve Security at Your Manufactured Home Community2024-07-10T15:59:09+00:00

Risk Management Strategies for Manufactured Home Community Owners


Managing a manufactured home community comes with its own unique set of challenges. Mitigating risk and protecting the community, your tenants, and your investment is one of those challenges. When it comes to risk management strategies for manufactured home community owners, it’s important to be proactive. To help protect your community, check out these tips below: Stay Up To Date on Legal Regulations and Laws Affecting Manufactured Home Communities Staying informed on local, state, and federal laws and regulations that affect manufactured home communities will ensure that you're in compliance with the law. The laws can impact many areas of your business [...]

Risk Management Strategies for Manufactured Home Community Owners2024-06-19T17:18:44+00:00

Preparing Your Manufactured Home Community for Summer


Those hot temperatures are right around the corner and it’s time to start preparing your manufactured home community for summer. Keeping up with maintenance will help ensure that your amenities are safe for the tenants and reduce your liability if an injury occurs. These tips will also help your business save on energy costs and keep your community looking great. Service and Repair Community Amenities  With summer fast approaching, you can expect your residents to start spending more time outside. Kids will be out of school for the summer, so if your community has a swimming pool or a playground, you [...]

Preparing Your Manufactured Home Community for Summer2024-05-16T13:56:07+00:00

Why Data Breach Coverage is Important for Manufactured Home Community Owners


Our world is becoming more and more digitized and that means more and more of our work is done on a computer. As a manufactured home community owner, you probably have business files, credit reports, tenant’s personal information, and more saved on your computers. When it comes to protecting your community, it doesn’t end in the physical sense. Safeguarding your sensitive data and information, as well as carrying comprehensive coverage in the event of a data breach or cyberattack is a crucial measure to protect your tenants and your business. What is Data Breach Coverage?  A data breach can happen in [...]

Why Data Breach Coverage is Important for Manufactured Home Community Owners2024-04-11T14:46:36+00:00

Tips for Hosting an Easter Egg Hunt at Your Manufactured Home Community


Easter is right around the corner and hosting an Easter egg hunt is a great way to engage your residents. Before starting the hunt, a little bit of prep is needed to make sure you have everything you need and your tenants know the rules so everyone stays safe. Supplies Plastic Eggs: Typically you want to have 10-15 eggs per child. Add up how many kids live in your community and fill them before the event. Give yourself enough time before the event to stuff the eggs. Candy: When purchasing candy, go for nut-free candy to prevent any allergic reactions. If [...]

Tips for Hosting an Easter Egg Hunt at Your Manufactured Home Community2024-03-14T16:49:23+00:00

Manufactured Home Community Upgrade Ideas to Increase Tenant Retention and Referrals


Providing your manufactured home community with beautiful and well-kept amenities and spaces will not only attract new residents but also keep your current tenants happy and safe. A well-maintained property is more likely to be safer than one that is not regularly repaired or upgraded. These ideas for community improvements and upgrades can also raise your property’s value and increase tenant retention. Pools and Parks  Pools are a great way to add value for your residents. Making sure they are clean and safe will go a long way to ensuring your tenants can enjoy it. Adding chairs, umbrellas, and tables can [...]

Manufactured Home Community Upgrade Ideas to Increase Tenant Retention and Referrals2024-02-29T15:59:39+00:00

Hiring a Park Manager for Your Manufactured Home Community


Benefits of Hiring a Park Manager Running a manufactured home community is a lot of work. If you're trying to do it all by yourself, it can be a lot to manage. A manager can help you take care of the day-to-day so you can focus on growing your business. Park managers can help with hiring and managing other staff. They can also be in charge of office duties like bookkeeping, collecting and managing rent, running background checks on potential clients, and helping with budgeting. They can also manage maintenance and tenants’ requests. Questions to Ask During the Interview When you [...]

Hiring a Park Manager for Your Manufactured Home Community2024-01-17T23:25:58+00:00

What to Look for When Hiring a Subcontractor


As a manufactured home community owner, there are many reasons why you would need to hire subcontractors for work around your community. You may have general maintenance employees on staff, but sometimes the work requires a more specialized skill or equipment. Some of this work may include, paving roads, building expansions, roof repair, septic system or plumbing issues, pool repair, and more. When you’re looking for a subcontractor to perform these jobs, it is a good idea to vet who you’re hiring to make sure they’re right for the job and ensure they are licensed and insured. Hiring a Subcontractor for Your [...]

What to Look for When Hiring a Subcontractor2023-12-13T21:24:07+00:00

Prepping & Insuring Your Manufactured Home Community for Winter


With fall coming to an end and winter quickly approaching, you’ll want to make sure the right steps are in place to protect your residents, employees, and business. Here is how you should prep for winter as a manufactured home community owner: Tree Trimming When the snow starts coming down and the ice builds up on the tree branches, it adds extra weight to the limbs. If the snow and ice gets too heavy and the branch is dead or can’t support the weight, it could snap. If the falling branches cause home destruction or bodily injury, you could be held [...]

Prepping & Insuring Your Manufactured Home Community for Winter2023-11-15T16:10:33+00:00

Prepping Your Manufactured Home Community for Trick-or-Treaters


Spooky Season is here! The kiddos and parents are busy prepping their costumes, and your residents could be planning on trick or treating in your manufactured home community. As a community owner, there is some prep you need to take to make sure the night is enjoyable for your residents, they stay safe, and you are not liable for any accidents that may occur. Halloween Safety Tips for Manufactured Home Community Owners Lighting - Since parents and the children will be walking around the property in the evening/night, you want to make sure there is enough lighting for safety. Without it, [...]

Prepping Your Manufactured Home Community for Trick-or-Treaters2023-10-11T19:46:24+00:00